Twenty-five participants in Avivo’s Work Readiness Program will be more prepared for their job searches tomorrow!
Our team has been busy for National Volunteer Month, and today’s activity included assembling $300 worth of supplies for 25 work readiness kits that included binders, notebooks, 3 ring pouches, pens, flash drives, post-it notes, and other job search supplies. We had a lot of fun assembling the kits and will deliver them later this afternoon for our Demo day at Avivo in Minneapolis.
We also led a 3 -hour workshop on interviewing preparation for 25 of Avivo’s Work Readiness Program participants on April 9th, with another workshop scheduled for the 23rd!
Each year under our Advent Cares program, we select one main initiative and this past year our key project has been our “Breaking Barriers” initiative, created to support individuals in the Minneapolis community with significant barriers to wellness, stability, and financial independence.
We chose to partner with Avivo, a Minnesota organization that has helped people achieve recovery, employment, and economic advancement since 1960. They provide a complete array of services that support the entire family unit – including housing, chemical, and mental health services, career education, employment services, and more.
For more information about Avivo, please visit their website at https://avivomn.org/about/