Today’s competition for talent is so fierce, that it’s critical for companies to take steps to improve retention. One way to do this is to amp up the “people initiatives” for your organization. This means investing more time, creativity and resources into strategies that strengthen your company’s culture and keep your staff happy and challenged.
Several people initiatives bolster the fun and open environment that is a big part of Advent’s unique culture. Beyond competitive pay and benefits, some key initiatives that support high retention and empower team members to succeed at Advent, include:
- Ongoing training and professional development
- Regular recognition/awards
- Flexible and creative career path options
- Advent Superhero program
- Dogs in the office and weekly happy hours
- Team-building events, from cooking classes to trapeze school
- Flexible work options
- Unlimited vacation policy
Because we believe the same principle should also apply to our client retention efforts, we do our best to incorporate that same creativity in our client programming.
Our ADVENTure series events are regular, complimentary events where we treat our clients to a mix of fun and educational experiences throughout the year. Our next event is a breakfast seminar on May 4, entitled“Connecting People with Purpose: The Importance of a Compelling Employer Brand”.
For help building or improving a comprehensive retention strategy unique to your company, or to be notified of upcoming ADVENTure events, please contact Kim Tsoukalas at (952) 920- 9119.